Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Chikungunya Fever

Our first MEC Talk for the year 2009 will be as follows :

  • Topic - Chikungunya Fever
  • Consultant - Dr Ismayatim Ahmad (Consultant Physician)
  • Date - Thursday : 22/01/09 (8.30 - 9.30 am)
  • Place - 8th Floor - Seminar Room

Thank you

Tuesday, 13 January 2009

Welcome to KMC Medical Education Blog

Dear all,

As this is our first post, I would like to take the opportunity to thank and welcome all of you to our new blog. This is one of our new initiatives aimed at providing medical education to both the health care professionals (particularly general practitioner) and to the general community.
We have with us about 28 full time consultants and 4 visiting consultants, all of whom are forever willing help in any way they can.

Thank you